Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here we are ...again!?

Okay, so I don't know why, but this blog stuff just isn't my thing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE looking at other peoples postings. I really feel like I know what some of my friends are up to, even though I haven't talked to you forever, because of your blogs. It makes me jealous, but I just don't feel like I know what I am doing here, or if anyone (besides Amy Jo, who has been my "inspiration" in doing this), is even looking at this thing. BUT... I am going to do better! I am setting some new goals for myself, and this blog is part of them. I don't promise to be GREAT at this, but I will do BETTER (which really shouldn't be hard since I haven't posted since August:)) And if any of you want to let me know that you are actually seeing this, that would be a good push for me to keep it up.
I will give a quick update on our fam, and then attempt to post some fun pictures from Brandon's third birthday (yes, I do think I am too young to have a three year old:) ) Anyway, Justin is back is school, again, but at least he is doing work for his Masters degree. This makes me feel like there is some end in sight- I can't wait to have my husband back! He also has a new job whcih we are very excited about!!! He is now working for FFKR, the biggest architecture firm in the state. Perhaps you have seen some of there work, which includes... the Vernal temple, Navuoo, Draper, Rexburg, etc temples, U of U and BYU stadiums, Delta Center, Everything for Larry Miller and on and on. They are also doing the big Salt Lake down town remodel. Anyway, Justin is very excited to be working on some really big projects, and this is hopefully a job he will be at for a LONG time (can you say WFFKR?) He especially enjoys the free hot cider :) ha ha.
Okay, so I am sick of typing already- and you are probably sick of reading this, so I will get to the pictures of my BIG boy and his little sister (who thinks she is a BIG girl). Oh yeah, I love being a mom! My kids are the cutest- even if they are making me insane half of the time- all the absolutely adorable things they say and do everyday make it worth it. I am very lucky!!!!


LM said...

Too too fun!! I'm so excited that you are posting on your blog again! And sad I couldn't make it to the Chuck E Cheese birthday dinner...

2nd Tuesday each month 6:30 pm said...

Fun kids! We can't believe you have a 3 year old either!

AmyJo said...

Yay! A blog post! I absolutely love the super costumes, especially Justin's nice yellow briefs :) Looks like you had fun! Keep up the posting! You know I am checking :)
p.s. if you change the size of your slide show to 400px it will all show up on the screen.

~~heather said...

Holy smokes! So cute! And Justin dressed as Batman! Jess must see!! LOL!! So fun! Having kids gives us great "license"s to be kids again ourselves dont they? I love it! So good to see your post! Keep it up! I will read yours...if you will read mine...bwahaha!! ((hugs))
Heather Dorius

The Paulks said...

So glad that you got motivated to do a post! Keep up the good work. I have been checking your blog for weeks, only to find a dancing Brandon time and time again! Just kidding. I just found out you can print your blogs from a website, so it acts as a journal. Is that helpful motivation? I think it's called blog slurp. Happy b-day to Brandon!

AmyJo said...

Where did you go?