Sunday, November 4, 2007

Six things about me...

Okay, so I was tagged by Kristen to post six random things about myself (I'll have to narrow it down). This was good since I needed to post again anyway, although I am not sure who to tag since everyone has probably given up and stopped reading my blog and won't know I tagged them, but I will tag Andrew and Emily Smith. Now we will see if they actually check this (I admit, I would have given up too). Okay, here it goes... 1) I don't really like fall. I always miss summer, I can't stand the smells (this is left over from pregnancy) and I HATE it getting colder and darker, and mostly I hate that Justin is back in school and never home- I miss SUMMER!!!
2) I am horrible with directions and anything to do with technology... and I DON"T REALLY CARE (I guess this is more of a confession) I am sure I could do better at both if I really tried, but I don't have time to do all the things I REALLY enjoy, and I just don't care to learn. That is why I married the smartest man in the world! He downloads our pictures, fixes the computer (and my car) and helps me figure out how to get were I need to go. I would be truly LOST without him (ahhhhh). One little plug for myself, I do know the important things - how to email pictures to Costco to be printed, how to find directions on mapquest, and how to buy and sell on Ebay (my new obsession)
3) I love to eat out. I don't care where (usually) as long as I don't have to cook it, it tastes better. I ecspecially enjoy Cafe Rio (mmmm pork salad), and anywhere with a good steak!
4)I want a big family, but I am not sure if I can handle more than two kids, actually I don't know if I can even handle them :) I love my kids more than ANYTHING! I spoil them rotten and they are the light of my life. I love to watch them sleep and I think about all the amazing things they will become and the cute things they did that day. BUT, around 4:00 pm each day, after attempting to go to the store, keep the house clean, and trying to make dinner- I wonder if I have what it takes to be a mom. Sometimes I feel it is a miracle that they are alive and fed at the end of the day (please don't call the authorities, I change their diapers too) If only they weren't soooooo cute, and just when I am ready to give up, Brandon will say, "I love you mom, you're my best friend" or Brienna comes over with a book and a smile and plops down on my lap for a story- then I smile and wonder what I would ever do WITHOUT them. I love my babies!
5) I am already almost finished with my Christmas shopping. I don't care for fall, but I can't wait for Christmas:) Plus I don't like fight through crowds of onry Christmas shoppers.
6) I always take a bite out of Justin's sandwiches. It started when we were dating and I wanted to see what his food tasted like. When he would go away to fill up his drink or something I would take a big bite and then wrap his sandwich back up. A few times he was seriously freaked out thinking some crazy worker had given him bad food, or tasted it themselves (I am very convincing) But now I do it everytime I make him luches or we go out to eat, he knows it means that I love him (and his food).
That is enough from me, I am going to bed- good night!


~~heather said...

LOL! You are so cute! You are doing awesome with your posting! Keep it up! ((hugs))

Josh and Kristen said...

You totally have it all figured out now! I love it. I also love that you own up to your DDD (direction deficit disorder!) Ha Ha Ha!! Love you.

AmyJo said...

LOL! LOL! LOL! You are hilarious! I am glad to see a new blog post! Now, what happened to Halloween? :)

Jelena said...
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Jelena said...

Tiff- I'm glad to see someone else has a weird obsession with tasting their husband's food! Richard doesn't quite understand it yet...but he's coming around. The part he's not quite getting, is that he doesn't get to taste mine! =o)

Emily said...

That was very insightful. I'll have to work to make mine nearly as interesting to read. Stay tuned...